3/4 Sleeve Rome Shirt Navy Constellation Print
3/4 Sleeve Rome Shirt Navy Constellation Print
Elevate your wardrobe with the exceptional 3/4 sleeve Rome shirt, adorned with a striking navy constellation print. Crafted from 100% cotton voile, this timeless design is not only a versatile staple for any season but also a testament to the design brilliance of Elizabeth Lighton, the creative force behind Dizzy Lizzie. Known for her bright, bold, and unexpected prints, her creations often become coveted collector's pieces that sell out within hours.
Don’t hesitate if this space shirt catches your eye, as she rarely produces the same print twice! Keep in mind that Dizzy Lizzie tends to run a tad large, so if you're between sizes, consider sizing down. Be sure to check the size chart or reach out to a Banebrook stylist for any fit or sizing queries.
Hassel-Free Returns
Hassel-Free Returns
We are proud to offer a 10-day return window. To start a return, simply navigate to your account page in the upper right corner. Log in to your account and find the order you wish to return.
Click "Request Return" on the item you wish to return. Once you submit your return request, we do our best to issue a return label within 24 hours. We will provide you with a return shipping label; keep an eye on your inbox for it.
You may choose to receive your return credit in the form of store credit, which means you will receive the full value of your purchase that same day to use to buy another style. Alternatively, you can opt for a refund to the initial payment method. For accepted returns, a $6 return shipping fee and a 20% restocking fee will be deducted from the amount of the return.
Thanks for great choice and easy communication.
Love these shirts
I have ordered shirts from tizzylizzy for years. After so many shirts not being true to size and most of the time no credit for returns . I stopped buying but missed the unique blouses so I tried again one was true to size then the next not. I give up Jean Schaufele
Lovely equestrian style blouse.. great fit, look and fabric!
Love this brand so much I bought one design in every color!