Signature: Black Diamond
Signature: Black Diamond
Introducing our best-selling Signature Shirt, crafted in a stunning black with white pin-dot broadcloth. This exceptional design by Sarah Alexandra showcases her impeccable attention to detail and unwavering pursuit of perfection. Each shirt is made from 100% Italian fabric and is hand sewn to Sarah's exact measurements, ensuring a flawless fit.
For sizing, refer to the size chart, noting that the Signature is tailored for a more fitted silhouette compared to the Weekend, which offers a more relaxed fit. For additional styling advice, don't hesitate to contact a Banebrook stylist to help you find the perfect piece.
Hassel-Free Returns
Hassel-Free Returns
We are proud to offer a 10-day return window. To start a return, simply navigate to your account page in the upper right corner. Log in to your account and find the order you wish to return.
Click "Request Return" on the item you wish to return. Once you submit your return request, we do our best to issue a return label within 24 hours. We will provide you with a return shipping label; keep an eye on your inbox for it.
You may choose to receive your return credit in the form of store credit, which means you will receive the full value of your purchase that same day to use to buy another style. Alternatively, you can opt for a refund to the initial payment method. For accepted returns, a $6 return shipping fee and a 20% restocking fee will be deducted from the amount of the return.