Matte Jersey Trench Coat
Matte Jersey Trench Coat
This trench coat is the perfect lightweight option, featuring a classic silhouette with a unique twist that showcases the incredible design talent Iris brings to each season. Made from a blend of 76% Acrylic, 20% Polyamide, and 4% Elastane, this timeless piece offers unbeatable value and has become a closet staple season after season. It fits true to size, is machine washable, and is perfect for any occasion.
For those unsure about their fit, we recommend viewing the size chart or consulting with a Banebrook stylist.
Model is wearing size small. Made in Canada. Style Number: F24JM6695.
This Matte Jersey Trench Coat is expertly crafted by Iris Setlakwe for optimal style and comfort. Please view the attached size chart if you are unsure of fit or sizing.
Hassel-Free Returns
Hassel-Free Returns
We are proud to offer a 10-day return window. To start a return, simply navigate to your account page in the upper right corner. Log in to your account and find the order you wish to return.
Click "Request Return" on the item you wish to return. Once you submit your return request, we do our best to issue a return label within 24 hours. We will provide you with a return shipping label; keep an eye on your inbox for it.
You may choose to receive your return credit in the form of store credit, which means you will receive the full value of your purchase that same day to use to buy another style. Alternatively, you can opt for a refund to the initial payment method. For accepted returns, a $6 return shipping fee and a 20% restocking fee will be deducted from the amount of the return.